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1. What is the probability of guessing this combination lock?

-Four digit combination.
-Numbers range from 0 to 9.
-The possible numbers are from 0000 to 9999, so that's 1 in 10000. I.e., very unlikely with one go at it and it'd take them a while to try every combination.

2. Whats the odds of getting a multiple response question correct, when the answer can be a combination of 4?

-There are 4 choices
-Correct answer can be any one, all four, or any combination of 2 or 3
-Possible compinations: a, ab, ac, ad, abc, abd, acd, b, bc, bd, bcd, c, cd, d, abcd
= 15 combinations


1.  Combinations without Repetition
This is how lotteries work. The numbers are drawn one at a time, and if you have the correct numbers (no matter what order) you win!
Using a pool ball example, let us say that you just want to know which 3 pool balls were chosen, not the order. We already know that 3 out of 16 gave us 3,360 permutations.
Pascal's Triangle
You can also use Pascal's Triangle to find the values. Go down to row "n" (the top row is 0), and then along "r" places and the value there is your answer. Here is an extract showing row 16:

1    14    91    364  ...
1    15    105   455   1365  ...
1    16   120   560   1820  4368  ...

i dont really understand this but may be you will so read and see tmr we can discuss


The pascal's triangle can be used to:
-calculate probability
-find binomial expansion coefficients
-find singular, triangular and tetrahedral numbers
-find exponents of 11
-find the Fibonacci sequence

So I guess we can just come up with daily problems with regards to these applications and tadaa we have an application (:
